Exam Department

Objectives of Exam Department

  • To improve the quality & efficiency of examination system.
  • To increase the transparency in the examination system.
  • To conduct examinations in fair atmosphere as per the directives of university of Mumbai & pre-published calendar of examination.
  • To make the exam. Process students centric.

Students Strength Last Five Year

CLASS 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
FYBA 86 83 60 62 70
SYBA 76 59 44 37 42
TYBA 45 63 47 38 29
FYBCOM 95 76 83 95 67
SYBCOM 84 61 62 59 69
TYBCOM 62 73 53 58 53
FYBSC 120 89 77 67 41
SYBSC 93 101 63 97 53
TYBSC 90 80 88 60 49

Academic Result Last Five Year

CLASS 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
FYBA 90 68 54 43 41
SYBA 43 64 48 38 30
TYBA 45 45 27 34 09
FYBCOM 92 77 66 66 74
SYBCOM 60 79 56 58 52
TYBCOM 58 58 46 41 29
FYBSC 92 100 71 56 51
SYBSC 71 84 91 56 45
TYBSC 35 35 11 50 09
CLASS 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
FYBA 66 68 17 44 48
SYBA 46 57 43 37 31
TYBA 31 31 25 28 17
FYBCOM 92 76 19 57 77
SYBCOM 61 70 47 54 56
TYBCOM 31 17 25 33 34
FYBSC 91 87 61 44 56
SYBSC 87 63 36 38 49
TYBSC 17 17 22 14 16

Evaluation System

FOR F. Y. B. A. / B. COM.B.SC

From the Academic Year 2014-15 to 2015-2016 University of Mumbai Has Implemented Credit Based Semester & Grading System.

Under this system, the performance of students shall be evaluated in two parts:-
  • Internal Assessment with 25% marks by continuous evaluation.
  • Semester End Assessment with 75% marks theory examination.

There will be two semester in one academic year.

Seven Point Grading System
O 70 & ABOVE 7
A 60 TO 69.99 6
B 55 TO 59.99 5
C 50 TO 54.99 4
D 45 TO 44.99 3
E 40 TO 44.99 2
F (FAIL) 39.99 & BELOW 1

O 80 & ABOVE 10 Outstanding
A+ 70 TO 79.99 9 Excellent
A 60 TO 69.99 8 Very Good
B+ 55 TO 59.99 7 Good
B 50 TO 54.99 6 Above Average
C 45 TO 49.99 5 Average
D 40 TO 44.99 4 Pass
F LESS THAN 40 0 Fail

FOR S.Y. B. A./B. COM./B,Sc
I) First and Second Term Examination:-
Two And Half Hours Written Examination:- 100 Marks
Standard of Passing
40 Aggregated of Ist & Iind Term Out of 100
Allow To Keep Term (Atkt) & Additional Examination Facility Is Also Given.
FOR T. Y. /B. COM.
W.e.f. Academic Year 2011-12
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components i.e. by Internal Assessment 40% Marks ( 20 marks Periodical Tests, 10 marks Assignment, 5 marks for Active participation and 5 marks for overall conduct of a student and
The Annual Examination with 60% Marks To Be Conducted By University ff Mumbai
Two hours written examination:- 60 marks
Standard of passing
35 aggregated of internal & annual exam. Out of 100

FOR T. Y. /B. A.B.SC/B.Com
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated at the end of the academic year by university of mumbai
The Annual Examination with 100% Marks
Three hours written examination:- 100 marks
Standard of passing
40 out of 100
In some subjects project evaluation for 20 marks or practical paper of 100 marks (geography), chemistry botany zoology physics is provided.

Best Practices

  • To conduct all the examinations as per the pre published calendar of examinations.
  • To maintain efficiency, reliability, transparency & accuracy in the examination system.
  • To make the examination an internal & integral part of the teaching process.
  • No use of unfair means in the examination hall is allowed.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of the examination system
  • To undertake verification, moderation, supply of photo copies of the assessed answer books to the students.
  • To provide timely services to students such as duplicate mark sheets, result of verification/photo copies.

Future Plan

  • Fully computerisation of examination system.
  • On-line examination for internal evaluation.
  • Supply of question banks on web sites.
  • To create an environment that nurtures healthy practices

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